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Advisory Panel

Chris Gaughan


Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology) - 1987
Honors degree (Petroleum Geology and Geophysics) - 1990
Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (FSEG, #282323)
Competent Person in accordance with the JORC Code(2012) for the reporting of Exploration Results

Chris Gaughan completed a degree in geology in 1986 and commenced work as a professional geologist in 1987. The focus of Chris's career as a geologist has been predominantly in hard rock mineral exploration.

He has worked in various geological terranes within Australia, PNG, Indonesia, South Korea and Mongolia. Chris has been actively involved in exploration in volcanic arc environments for epithermal gold (high and low sulphidation styles), porphyry copper gold, copper-lead-zinc skarn, and volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits. Experience in each of these deposit styles has included mapping, surface sampling, drilling and ore-body modeling. Chris was on the ground with Ivanhoe Mines in the early days of exploration at Oyu Tolgoi